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Evolution in Action (Harvard, OEB 100) s10 group 2 video - Evolution of microbial
Evolution in Action s09 Group 1: Mato Lagator and Alex Pickett
SciFund Challenge: Evolution in Action
OEB 100 s10 group 1 video
2011 - Evolution in Action: A 50,000 Generation Experiment
Evolution in Action s09 G3: Hsiao-Han Chang, Dan O'Leary, Roxana Tarnita
Evolution in Action s09 G2: Kyle Chen, Stacy Rush, Stefanie Sulzer
Scott Edwards (Harvard) Part 3: Genomics of host-parasite co-evolution
“Evolution in Action: Learn from Adapting Bacteria in the Lab” by Dr. Christopher Marx
Human Evolution and the Human Body - Course Trailer
The power of microbial cooperation | Steve Hallam | TEDxRenfrewCollingwood
OEB 100 final video 110514.wmv